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Fredricks Communications
Fargo, ND USA
+1 701-261-0867
[email protected]

I am a proud member of Creatives for Climate (C4C), a not-for-profit and global network of thousands of professionals committing their creativity to driving positive impacts. C4C membership includes a commitment to avoid work with fossil fuels clients.
Fredricks Communications is a proud signatory of the Clean Creatives pledge to eschew work with fossil fuels companies and organizations. We’re a movement of advertisers, PR professionals and clients cutting ties with fossil fuels to fight climate change. Join us today!

Union Strong! I am a proud member of the Freelancers Union, the largest and fast-growing organization representing the 56.7 million independent workers across the country. Join today!
The “Duh” Metric for Blog Posts
/in Marketing /by Martin FredricksCircular Logic in Content Goes Nowhere Fast Online marketing and social media people write thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of words each day about blogging, copywriting, SEO, content development, inbound marketing, social ROI, metrics and on and on. A couple of weeks ago I read a few hundred of those words that… well…. let’s […]
Explosive Copywriting
/in Marketing /by Martin Fredricksby Martin “Red” Fredricks Ka-BLAM! That’s the reader reaction you should strive for every time you write a headline or copy for an advertisement, marketing piece, blog post, website advertisement or blog post. Words should figuratively blast off of the page, hit members of your target markets hard right between the eyes and make them want […]
Building Your Brand House
/in Marketing /by Martin Fredricksby Martin “Red” Fredricks You know who you are, what you do and what you do better. Now you need to tell everyone else. Repeatedly and consistently. Consistency is one of the keys to branding. In terms of copywriting and content development, that means making sure you’re saying the same things in the same and […]
So this guy walks into a bar…
/in Marketing /by Martin Fredricksby Martin “Red” Fredricks, Dec. 1, 2015 So this guy walks into a bar…. So begins the story I wrote about Trevor Cronk, an alumnus of Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn., and co-owner of Lift Bridge Brewing in Stillwater, Minn. (Man, have I been waiting a looooong time to write that line and get away with it!) The story fun […]
Larry’s story, otherwise lost in Fargo Navy Week 2011 events & media relations
/in Good Stories, Marketing /by Martin FredricksNavy enjoyed Larry-like welcome in Fargo-Moorhead Published in The Forum, Fargo, N.D., Sept. 4, 2011 There’s one Fargo Navy Week story that deserves to be told again. It’s Larry’s story, but more than that, it’s about everyone in Fargo-Moorhead who helps make this a friendly, inviting place. The people of Fargo-Moorhead made a huge impression […]
An Awarding Run Comes to An End
/in Marketing /by Martin FredricksFor years, I’ve been entering work I’ve done for clients into various advertising, marketing, public relations and communication awards competitions. I used to report the wins the Red letter, but the entering and reporting ends here. Here’s why – Opinions in the industry regarding the value of these competitions, and the awards they bestow, […]