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Fredricks Communications
Fargo, ND USA
+1 701-261-0867
[email protected]

I am a proud member of Creatives for Climate (C4C), a not-for-profit and global network of thousands of professionals committing their creativity to driving positive impacts. C4C membership includes a commitment to avoid work with fossil fuels clients.
Fredricks Communications is a proud signatory of the Clean Creatives pledge to eschew work with fossil fuels companies and organizations. We’re a movement of advertisers, PR professionals and clients cutting ties with fossil fuels to fight climate change. Join us today!

Union Strong! I am a proud member of the Freelancers Union, the largest and fast-growing organization representing the 56.7 million independent workers across the country. Join today!
Brand Story: 10 Reasons to Work with FredComm
/in Brand Story /by Martin FredricksThere are lots of great reasons to work with Fredricks Communications on building an effective brand story and communicating it through advertising, marketing and public relations that works. Here are the top 10.
5 Keys to Effective Public Relations Writing
/in Copywriting, Marketing, Public Relations /by Martin FredricksIf you work in public relations, or if PR responsibilities fall to you by default in your company, it’s a good idea to keep these keys to effective PR writing in mind.
Tip Tuesday – Work Without With
/in Copywriting, Tip Tuesday /by Martin FredricksWe need lively, engaging copy to sell anything. Keep your copywriting clear, keep it brief, and provide work without with. Allow me to explain….
“Shoulding” is Messy
/in Business, Marketing /by Martin FredricksEmployees are the most valuable assets of any business, if they’re freed to contribute and thrive. Managers and owners hire them for their brains and abilities; it doesn’t make much sense to shut down their potential before they even get started.
Tip Tuesday – Is Your PR Writing Overqualified?
/in Public Relations, Tip Tuesday /by Martin FredricksAs professional public relations writers, we should do a little better than using qualifiers. We should be deleting extra words like “little,” “rather,” “very” and “pretty” anyway. Even if they look pretty.
BankNorth in South Dakota: Values-Based Banking
/in Advertising, Copywriting, Marketing, Project Management, Public Relations, Television /by Martin FredricksBankNorth announced its acquisition of banks in SD with this TV spot, print, radio, media relations and direct mail created by FredComm & project partners.
Caribou Love
/in Marketing /by Martin FredricksA little love can go a long way… sometimes even to a free cuppa. Here’s to the fine folks @cariboucoffee. If you get a chance, go show ’em some love. You might not get a free cup, but the people and the coffee are great.
BankNorth – We’ve Always Been Headed This Way
/in Marketing /by Martin FredricksFor nearly 115 years, First State Bank of North Dakota has served customers and communities in rural North Dakota with honesty, loyalty and integrity. It’s been Values-Based Banking. FSBND became BankNorth on July 20, 2018. And it’s still Values-Based Banking.
Copywriting: Remember the Passenger
/in Marketing /by Martin FredricksCopywriting is like driving. Do it well, and your readers-passengers won’t even mind that you’ve been steering them in a particular direction all along.